Julia Mozar

Newsletter | 08

Yours Love,

This newsletter is all about my new appointments and other interesting ideas.


Spiritual Essence this wonderful time starts on October 1 and 2 over approx. 4 to 5 months of intensive development to integrate the hidden treasures of the soul into your life.



Even before that, from the August 12 to 14 I will be on Joie de vivre festival 2022 in Travemünde on the Baltic Sea beach. There you are invited to immerse yourself in the realm of spirituality and much that is associated with it.


In addition to my stand P34, I will be giving new impulses twice a day in the lecture tent, like on a transformation evening.


"Healthy soul power: the heart knows the way!"

is the theme, there is a short talk and takes the audience on a journey into your innermost being with a healing meditation that has the potential to lead you into your pure soul power. You are cordially invited to flood your heart and your force field with beneficial life energies. 


Anyone who wants healing energies for themselves is welcome to receive them there.

I would like to invite you to my stand tent for a brief chat about personal concerns or for a short help session for your animals. Here you can get to know me better before, between and after the presentations. There will also be special offers for continued cooperation. 


My personal intention is for people to recognize, activate and grow their self-healing abilities. Independence, expanded perceptual abilities, focused actions, mindfulness, clarity of thought and self-healing are required more than ever in the here and now.

In my experience, it takes a period of adjustment and reorganization to explore your innermost self. Some people need spiritual confidence, some have lost themselves in the issues of spirituality, others have not yet done any spiritual work. So I offer you my support for a part of your life's journey and am happy to continue it in personal treatments, transformation evenings or further training. 


Nowadays, it's all about the feeling that comes from the heart and makes your life easier. This also applies to the choice of who accompanies you in the insights and experiences on the path into your innermost being with the topics of spirituality. For me, the personal encounter is a very valuable and appreciative gesture. That is why I make every effort to master everything in personal encounters. 


On September 16 will take place in the Seminardom in Ahrensburg. Transformation evening took place. These evenings were a gift for many people. Just like for me. It's nice to see what a restorative effect it has. This evening can be relaxing, invigorating or healing for you. 


I see myself as a woman who walks a path with people from a pure heart, on which they are given experiences, insights, self-healing and a creative reorganization. To this end, I am accompanied by unconditional love, my clairvoyance, my contacts with the spiritual world and all the experiences I have had around the world, so that everyone can take with them on their journey through life what they need.


Some are accompanied by me personally, others benefit from further training in a group. Sometimes horses and dogs accompany my work. 


You are invited to enrich yourself and integrate the enrichment of healthy soul power and joy into your life. 


I send you many light-filled greetings from heart to heart and would be very happy to accompany you.


All the love



The next dates at a glance:


Joie de vivre festival in Travemünde

Aug 12, 2022 - Aug 14, 2022

Healthy soul power : Your heart knows the way!

Lecture times incl. healing meditation are:

Friday: 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Saturday:13:00 and 18:00

Sunday: 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. 



Spiritual Essence - Free information evening online 

You will receive an insight into consciousness work, content and accompanying material. We will meditate together and afterwards I will answer all your questions.

Aug 18, 2022 

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm 

Zoom link



Healthy soul power - transformation evening 

Friday, Sep 16, 7:45 p.m. the door opens in the Seminardom Ahrensburg for an evening of transformation. As always with new impulses and healing mediation.

Registration via the website: 


Spiritual Essence

October 01 - 2, 2022 

"Get to know you" - It's the first weekend of many hours and weekends together to come.

Spiritual Essence is a precisely developed, truthful and self-healing way of looking at life and bringing it into divine order - the perfect accompaniment for people who want to look into their innermost being. What this looks like for each participant is entirely individual. That is why this work is carried out in small groups or individually - everyone is picked up where they need reorientation and development.





Go to a place where you feel safe and comfortable.

Take a chair, the couch, the bed, a meditation cushion or a soft surface and perhaps light a candle.

The important thing is that it feels good, that you can relax and come to the Ruhr.

Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes.

If you don't manage to close your eyes straight away, the candle will remind you of your innermost light. Gently try to calm down again and again.

Breathe in deeply, calmly and consciously through your nose a few times at your own pace. Enjoy how your breath flows through your whole body and breathe out again through your slightly open mouth.

Come into your body and relax.

After a few conscious breaths, continue breathing as usual without consciously influencing the breath.

Now direct your attention to your true presence and feel connected to the original source or your heart.

Enter into basic trust. Here you are safe and secure. Right now, in this moment, you are all to yourself.

You will notice that your mental mind becomes more and more calm.

If you have difficulties with the first few attempts, be patient and give yourself the chance to develop the meditation by repeating it several times.
I will guide you into silent mediation. It's about your own personal calm and lightness. 
Enjoy recharging your batteries and stop the inner and outer dialog for a while. All wishes, hopes and fears can be put aside for a moment in order to achieve deep relaxation and inner peace.

Just be.

Once you have reached the end of your desired meditation time, gently return your attention to your physical body. Stretch and straighten yourself.

Open your eyes carefully.

Feel how your body feels from your feet to your head, caress it, gently pat it awake and thank it for carrying you through life.

Get back into your body and take the new life energy with you into your everyday life the next day.

Take care and all the best


All dates at a glance
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Julia Mozar
In the Allmende Health Center - Bornkampsweg 36 - 22926 Ahrensburg
Julia Mozar