Julia Mozar

Newsletter | 09

Hello lovelies, 

In the last two weeks I have had more contact with animals. Questions about animal communication and healing work with animals came up. 

I am always delighted when people are prepared to look in their own mirror, to reflect, to take account of the invisible parts, in other words to step out of the obvious physical thinking and the methodical approach to the animal. A different perspective promotes creativity and helps to find solutions. In my experience, it is a wonderful opportunity to observe oneself and see what my animal is really trying to tell me or mirror. A true presence from the very core of your being allows you to become a guiding animal in the human world from the animal's perspective. 

In healing work, there are many different reasons why people or animals feel unwell. For example, feeding problems, oppressive methodical handling with which an animal is led through life by humans, or energetic causes such as water veins and radiation pollution, for example from above-ground electrical cables or solar panels, can lead to a very stressful situation.

There are many ways to communicate with animals. In the best case, it is a communication in which both the animal and the human feel perceived and understood by the animal.

I use my telepathic, mediumistic abilities and body language to communicate with animals. 

Would you like to learn more about psychic perception? Then contact me!

For me, animal communication works on several levels. On the one hand, for example, I see an animal with my objective perceptions. I recognize the animal's facial expressions and gestures, and through its posture I can see how it is feeling. If the horse is lame or out of step, as experts say, I can recognize this because I have spent around 40 years studying the body language of horses.

For about 15 years now, however, my perceptions have also changed, I have developed as a soul being and I also dedicate myself professionally to healing work. I can sense how an animal is feeling even before I have personal contact with it. I perceive the animal purely through my thoughts about it.

Horses have the same possibility on the medial perception frequency. They always know how you are feeling and often mirror you. They read people in their life energy. 

For me, it's a gift to really know how the animals I'm working with are feeling. Empathy therefore plays a major role. For example, I can tell very quickly whether a saddle is pinching or where the actual cause of an animal's lameness lies. Pain is often only recognized too late. Sometimes the animal also reflects the emotional stress of the people. 

I left competitive riding 10 years ago. Friendly cooperation and compassion were only sporadically recognizable in this sport back then. Thank goodness this is changing and awareness is on the rise here too.   

In the past, a lot was achieved through coercion and pressure to perform. Just as many people simply had to function and obey at school and at work, this method of education was also evident in the hobby. A free spirit with heartfelt compassion and understanding was barely visible. 

Through the change in consciousness that is slowly becoming visible all over the world, people are changing their thoughts and transforming them into a creative, constructive, peaceful inner attitude and are striving to live in harmony with nature.

Clairsentience helps me to perceive energies, sometimes even before they become visible in the body. As we are all made up of energy, I gently pass on the impulses I sense. First I ask whether the person wants to hear it at all and is open to the impulses. This applies to both humans and animals.

I don't force my impulses and perceptions on anyone. Unless it's life-threatening. Then I will be very clear to prevent the worst from happening. Otherwise, everyone is responsible for themselves and their animal and is allowed to have whatever experiences they want. The animal is then sometimes very shaken by the narcissism of the human.

If animal friends have questions for the animals, I communicate with them via telepathy (clairaudience). Before I communicate telepathically, I go into meditation, free myself from everyday issues, become neutral and ask the animal whether it is willing to communicate with me. Again, I do not force a conversation on any animal and respect their free will.

For me, this kind of communication is a bit like sex. You don't do it with everyone. For me, mediumistic communication is a sacred area in which loving energy flows and in which encroachment must be denied.

Just like the external senses - tasting, feeling, hearing, smelling and seeing - there are the psychic senses, such as intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairsentience and clairaudience. They are inherent in us and are opened up when we are mentally ready for them. For most people, this perception has become dormant and can be reawakened. With good guidance and training, it is possible for everyone to immerse themselves in more subtle communication. Some people have talent and have been born with it.

My most pronounced channel is clairsentience. "I sense in passing." I have to concentrate a bit more for telepathy and have honed this sense through practice. 

Everyone has their own main channel and their own personal mix of objective, subjective, selective and media perception. It is important to work this out ideally and to recognize your own strengths in your perceptual abilities as well as the talents and character traits that lie within you. 

Then we start talking about spiritual intelligence, which will be one of the new future skills for both the private and professional sphere and will make our lives easier.

We need clarity, strength of mind and compassion in these times. That's why I'm offering two transformation evenings in September to strengthen yourself, become self-aware and master life: on September 16 and 30, the doors will open at 19:45 at Pentaion in Ahrensburg. 

You are welcome from the bottom of our hearts and will be happy to accompany you on your way.


All the love




The next dates at a glance

Healthy soul power - transformation evening

Friday, Sep 16 and Sep 30, both at 7:45 p.m. the door opens in the Seminardom Ahrensburg for an evening of transformation. As always with new impulses and healing mediation.


We need clarity, strength of mind and compassion in these times. That's why I'm offering two transformation evenings in September to strengthen yourself, become self-aware and master life: On September 16 and 30, the doors will open at 19:45 at Pentaion in Ahrensburg. You are very welcome!

Registration via the website: 


Spiritual Essence

October 01 - 2, 2022 

"Get to know you" - It's the first weekend of many hours and weekends together to come.

Spiritual Essence is a precisely developed, truthful and self-healing way of looking at life and bringing it into divine order - the perfect accompaniment for people who want to look into their innermost being. What this looks like for each participant is completely individual. That is why this work is carried out in small groups and in individual work - everyone is picked up where they need reorientation and development. It can also be an introduction to spiritual healing and animal communication. 





Go to a place where you feel safe and comfortable.

Take a chair, the couch, the bed, a meditation cushion or a soft surface and perhaps light a candle.

The important thing is that it feels good, that you can relax and come to the Ruhr.

Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes.

If you don't manage to close your eyes straight away, the candle will remind you of your innermost light. Gently try to calm down again and again.

Breathe in deeply, calmly and consciously through your nose a few times at your own pace. Enjoy how your breath flows through your whole body and breathe out again through your slightly open mouth.

Come into your body and relax.

After a few conscious breaths, continue breathing as usual without consciously influencing the breath.

Now direct your attention to your true presence and feel connected to the original source or your heart.

Enter into basic trust. Here you are safe and secure. Right now, in this moment, you are all to yourself.

You will notice that your mental mind becomes more and more calm.

If you have difficulties with the first few attempts, be patient and give yourself the chance to develop the meditation by repeating it several times.
I will guide you into silent mediation. It's about your own personal calm and lightness. 
Enjoy recharging your batteries and stop the inner and outer dialog for a while. All wishes, hopes and fears can be put aside for a moment in order to achieve deep relaxation and inner peace.

Just be.

Once you have reached the end of your desired meditation time, gently return your attention to your physical body. Stretch and straighten yourself.

Open your eyes carefully.

Feel how your body feels from your feet to your head, caress it, gently pat it awake and thank it for carrying you through life.

Get back into your body and take the new life energy with you into your everyday life the next day.

Take care and all the best


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Julia Mozar
In the Allmende Health Center - Bornkampsweg 36 - 22926 Ahrensburg
Julia Mozar