Julia Mozar

Newsletter | 12

Hello lovelies, 


I hope you had a wonderful 1st Sunday in Advent!

A warm welcome to everyone who met me at the Lebensfreude trade fair! 


I would like to tell you about my experiences at the Lebensfreude trade fair. There was a lot of consumption and shopping. There was nothing for me to buy. Instead, we had wonderful conversations, talks and meditation in which something always developed and transformed. 


It was happy and touching for me to meet participants from the Lebensfreude Festival in the summer, where such wonderful developments have taken place since then. Time and time again, I am impressed by the way in which people manage to find their ideal path. 

There are so many people who have become dependent on certain methods and have almost forgotten themselves. The question "And what do you do?" kept coming up.


I don't have a specific method that I work with. I work from a pure heart and in love. I trust that what the client needs to unfold, recover and grow spiritually will be given. My "career" as a spiritual medium and spiritual recovery assistant, as it would be pronounced in purely legal terms, once also began with certain manipulations. Now I ask for divine guidance, direction and guidance. The heart knows the way - that is my motto. 

Ideal helpers also come from the light-filled spiritual world to support the energy work in the treatments. It is the same with the transformation evenings, where I receive whispers so that things can be developed and implemented in the future. 


I am most happy when I am allowed to accompany people over a certain period of time. As a soul being, everyone has their own pace of work, their own talents and abilities. It is important for me to support this ideally so that people can get to know the possibilities of the universe and thereby develop their own freedom. The implementation is then up to each individual. Here too, each soul being has its own learning tasks. 


You see, there are so many ways to engage with spirituality. The question is, which is the ideal path for you?

There will be a new Spiritual Essence in January. It is a journey into your innermost being, in which I will reach out a hand to you. You have until Christmas to get in touch with me and sign up. So I also have a little Christmas present ready for you. 


Most people work with me because they often think of me, have a gut feeling about working together, or they simply contact me to get to know me and we clarify together whether our work together makes sense for you. 


About my work

Many people around me have a cold or are infected with the coronavirus. Some people forget that spiritual healing can be a wonderful help. Especially for people who sometimes have mood swings at the dark time of year, it is helpful to lighten up with light-filled energy work. 


What you can do for yourself now


In the run-up to Christmas, reflect on what has served you and others this year. Sort and reorganize yourself. This will make room for new things. Perhaps check every single month of this year to see what you want to take with you and develop. Take everything useful and from the heart with you on your journey for the coming year 2023. Which you can already send ahead at Christmas as a wish for the coming year. More on this in my next newsletter shortly before Christmas.


You are very welcome!


Now I wish you a wonderful pre-Christmas time. Reflect on the really important things. Things that are connected to you in your heart. I have two more appointments for you to accompany you on your journey this year.


All the love 





The next dates at a glance

Healthy soul power - Transformation evenings

Ahrensburg, Pentaion:

The next transformation evening in the unique Seminardom will take place on Friday, Friday December 09 will take place. It is the last transformation evening of the year at Pantaion.

Tickets for the transformation evenings can be here can be booked.


Experience day - spirituality for beginners

Ahrensburg, Allmende seminar room:

The experience day on December 10 is all about feeling and sensing. It provides insights into spirituality on many levels. We support each other in a loving and appreciative way with lots of exercises and joy. Aha-experiences are guaranteed on several levels.

Get in touch herer take advantage of the St. Nicholas offer.


Spiritual Essence - Further training

We have scheduled the start of the next development phase for the end of January. On January 28/29 here we go. Please register by December 24.  

If you sign up, Christmas offers will tumble under the Christmas tree.

Get in touch here for information or to get to know me and secure your place. 

Next start: October 2023 


Spiritual Essence is a precisely developed, truthful and self-healing way of looking at life and bringing it into divine order - the perfect accompaniment for people who want to look into their innermost being. What this looks like for each participant is completely individual. It extends into healing work, animal communication or working with your desired being from the spiritual world, if there is an interest in this. This is why this work is carried out in small groups and in individual work - everyone is picked up where they need reorientation and development. 





Go to a place where you feel safe and comfortable.

Take a chair, the couch, the bed, a meditation cushion or a soft surface and perhaps light a candle.

The important thing is that it feels good, that you can relax and come to the Ruhr.

Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes.

If you don't manage to close your eyes straight away, the candle will remind you of your innermost light. Gently try to calm down again and again.

Breathe in deeply, calmly and consciously through your nose a few times at your own pace. Enjoy how your breath flows through your whole body and breathe out again through your slightly open mouth.

Come into your body and relax.

After a few conscious breaths, continue breathing as usual without consciously influencing the breath.

Now direct your attention to your true presence and feel connected to the original source or your heart.

Enter into basic trust. Here you are safe and secure. Right now, in this moment, you are all to yourself.

You will notice that your mental mind becomes more and more calm.

If you have difficulties with the first few attempts, be patient and give yourself the chance to develop the meditation by repeating it several times.
I will guide you into silent mediation. It's about your own personal calm and lightness. 
Enjoy recharging your batteries and stop the inner and outer dialog for a while. All wishes, hopes and fears can be put aside for a moment in order to achieve deep relaxation and inner peace.

Just be.

Once you have reached the end of your desired meditation time, gently return your attention to your physical body. Stretch and straighten yourself.

Open your eyes carefully.

Feel how your body feels from your feet to your head, caress it, gently pat it awake and thank it for carrying you through life.

Get back into your body and take the new life energy with you into your everyday life the next day.

Take care and all the best


All dates at a glance
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Julia Mozar
In the Allmende Health Center - Bornkampsweg 36 - 22926 Ahrensburg
Julia Mozar