Julia Mozar

Newsletter | 13

Hello lovelies,

You may be wondering why there hasn't been an email from me in your inbox yet this year. But me and my family needed time to sort ourselves out and get organized. I am now freer again and there for you.

We are slowly coming back from silence. We are still recovering a little before we start transformation evenings, seminars and further developments - Spiritual Essence - on April 21. The soul conversations as well as the spiritual healing and the Spiritual Essence currently in progress are continuing actively.

So we will use the Easter holidays to get active. That's why I thought I'd write about the topic of death and transition. 

My husband's mother ascended into the afterlife at the beginning of the year after a long and serious illness. We are deeply grateful that we were able to accompany her until her last breath. I was also able to accompany some horses and dogs. It is terrible and yet beautiful to see the souls on their way into the light and to be able to comfort the bereaved.

Anyone who has "lost" a person or an animal knows the emotional chaos.

Have you ever had to say goodbye to someone? Or are you perhaps still aware of them?

Death is the most spiritual process that brings with it a wide range of feelings. Feelings such as grief, anger, guilt, despair, as well as mixtures such as relief and sadness, love, gratitude, longing, and when one encounters the pure soul, also deep joy, gratitude and humility.

Death, with its various phases of detachment of spirit, soul and body, tells its own story with all those involved in the most diverse situations.

While the human soul is still allowed to decide for itself when it is time to leave the body, it is usually different for animals. Decisions are often made for them. Even until death. In the best case scenario, the human or animal dies of its own accord in old age in peace of mind. Many people hope to simply fall over or fall asleep gently and peacefully.

When the soul makes its way back to the kingdom of heaven, it also triggers a process of spiritual awareness for the bereaved. This is also the case with us in the family. You are confronted with your soul as if by magic. Peace and a dignified and loving time together helps the soul being in transition and also the relatives and friends.

With prayers, love and an impulse of peace that awaits the ascending souls in the light, we can help them to relax. By encouraging them to let go of life and follow the angels and the light, we give them a kind of direction that they can follow with their thoughts.

The deceased soul relives many things in its memories in the subtle realm, meets other soul beings and releases itself from burdens from its life. Depending on its character, the soul remains earthbound or merges with the entity, so that it has the choice of whether it wants to be reborn.
The levels to which the soul being goes in the heavenly realm therefore also depend on the soul being's awareness and experiences on earth.

For example, a spiritual master or saint who has devoted himself entirely to serving the divine and the highest light quickly ascends through all levels of the astral worlds into unity. He merges with the highest consciousness and unites with the highest light. On the other hand, someone who is very materially connected and thinks he is not a soul at all may first understand after death that he is a soul. Another soul being, who may have died as a result of a misfortune or an accident, does not yet understand that it has died. Only after a while do souls understand what has happened, that they have left the body. Sometimes they are still at the scene of the accident. A prayer with loving thoughts and the advice to turn their gaze to the light-filled beyond so that they can begin their journey into the light helps the suddenly deceased souls. They trust us. Sometimes they are even close to us after their passing. I like to light a candle to make contact with them.

People who have taken their own lives need a kind of healing and resting phase in order to continue on their path into the light. Just like the seriously ill, they need a longer period of time to come to terms with what has happened and to let go of the old.

People who have already had a near-death experience are familiar with a kind of light tunnel in which a development of consciousness has taken place in various ways, depending on the living being. When the soul then returns to earth in the body with an expanded consciousness, it usually does so with a different inner attitude.

When the soul sets out and leaves the body, spiritual helpers such as angels and spirit guides are at its side to accompany the soul being into the light. For example, I see light-filled spiritual beings standing around a bed or an animal when I accompany a dying person. This enables me to see how far the journey has already progressed.

Animals are a little different. They also have their dying phases during a natural death. For the animal lover, it is a great challenge to listen to the heart and provide the animal with the ideal support during a period of mourning. We even have the opportunity to ease the animal's transition from physical agony with the animal's consent by so-called "euthanasia". Often, however, the animal is primarily considered physically. The question of whether the animal is mentally ready for the transition is often not even asked. Many pet owners decide whether to euthanize an animal based on their objective senses and reason.

Many questions arise, especially among animal lovers, both during the dying phase and after the transition. Has the soul arrived safely in the afterlife?
Did I do everything right? Could I have done anything else? Did I overlook something? Often there are also feelings of guilt because the animal lover did not manage to heal and save the animal. The animal lover often also feels responsible for this. These are just a few examples of emotional chaos and can of course also arise as questions about the dying process of a person.

Whether it is a family member or an animal, the process of passing away is obviously a hard journey that is accompanied by many tears and uncertainties and ultimately brings relief to the deceased.

Of course, I can only give a brief insight into my findings, experiences and perceptions here, as this topic would fill an entire book. The stages of dying, which can last for one to two years, are always full of ups and downs.

Dealing with the spiritual world is fascinating for me, just like life on earth itself. It's just too bad that there are only 24 hours in a day.

So what can you do when you realize that someone is heading over the Rainbow Bridge?

Everyone processes their grief, i.e. their inner process, in their own way. During this time, see what is good for you and the dying person. Relax as much as possible and take care of yourself.

Calm, loving conversations with a shared look back at beautiful, peaceful times can help the dying person to immerse themselves in beautiful emotional memories. It helps to talk lovingly to each other and to have the inner attitude of a heavenly birthday. Because that is where peace is.

Perhaps you would like to spend a lot of time with the dying person, going to their aid and making their life easier. Holding a hand can do you good. If the person is in a lot of pain, he/she may not want to be touched at all. Any slightest movement could cause pain. Even a very light blanket hurts. Caress him/her with warm thoughts. See what feels good and be compassionate. This means opening your heart to the dying person and being peaceful, loving and calm. This is by no means about pity.

Depending on the situation, you can say a prayer together and light a candle. However, this is not everyone's cup of tea. You also have the option of sending this prayer as a loving thought to the dying or already deceased. This helps on the way back to the light in the kingdom of heaven.

Perhaps you might also think of the guardian angel and send a loving prayer to him so that he helps the soul to find its way. The guardian angel helps us in all situations in life. He helps us on the earthly side, on our path through life, as well as in the heavenly realm and accompanies us on the path into the light. As soul beings, we always retain the free will to follow impulses or not. If you remind a dying person of their guardian angel, they usually no longer feel alone. This is because we also have spiritual companions on the other side who are peaceful.

A hint that it is peaceful in the heavenly realm, that there is no war, no illness and that guardian angels and ancestors are waiting for them, is a relief for many to detach themselves from the body.

You could also ask yourself the question, how do I manage to touch a grieving person in their love, in their heart? So it doesn't matter whether it's about the person who is dying themselves, the person who is accompanying a dying process, relatives who are caught up in the sadness

or even after death. Some also say heaven's birthday on the day of death. Tears and grief are the path from the old life to a new life. Grief is a sign of empathy and at some point joy and lightness return.

The soul leaves its body with its last heartbeat and remains alive in the kingdom of heaven. We can communicate with them in the afterlife via the open heart, in connection with the soul and the associated consciousness. Those who are unable to do so are welcome to seek out a medium who can mediate between the physical and heavenly worlds and express the messages. This applies to all soul beings. This is also possible with animal souls.

From experience, people seek out a medium especially in the case of sudden death. With animal souls, people are often plagued by feelings of guilt, especially when death is caused by euthanasia. It is wonderful to reconcile with death. Because the souls are fine. Only the impulse to look into the light and go there helps the soul to orientate itself and let go.

My recommendation for you is to come to rest, take time to stay in the center of your heart. Keep reminding yourself that the soul remains alive and light a candle during your resting phase to remind you once again of the light in the kingdom of heaven. All of this will help you to free yourself from physical and emotional pain. Remember that you are a part of all creation and are connected to everything full of light.

The language of love is universal and silent. A reminder, an impulse to turn towards light and love, to go into the light or to be full of light, helps you and the souls in this world as well as the souls in the hereafter.

Be mindful of yourself. If you constantly overstep your own boundaries, you will become ill yourself. Charity and empathy for yourself is important in good times and bad. If you feel unwell, forgive yourself for what you have done, consciously and unconsciously. Don't dwell on the past for long, but develop your present and future for the better and see every path, even death, as a gift of life to be more and more in love.

Easter is the celebration of resurrection in this world as well as in the hereafter and I wish you a warm and active time with family, friends and all the things you love. 

What is new in my work

The individual soul conversations remain an integral part for clients and animals, even in times of crisis. In summer, the transformation evenings will take place in nature as soon as the weather permits.

As of this year, there is a registration list for the further development of Spiritual Essence for group support. Everything will unfold from the heart. This ensures that it is not pure egoism and cosmic thinking that brings groups together, but the feeling, the desire for profound, heartfelt cooperation. I would like to give you the opportunity to allow as much potential as possible to awaken within you. It will give you and those around you a lot of knowledge, healing and love. Once the group is full, we will start a very personal guidance to lead your life in new directions and to grow spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  



What you can do for yourself now


Use the beginning of spring with the sprouting of nature to remind yourself of your blossoming and your natural powers and to awaken them. Even if nature appears to be in a deep slumber, at its core the root is in constant growth and is now showing one of its most beautiful sides of the year. It is the same with us. Nature will now remind you of birth, growth, recovery and connection. It gives you a lot of strength to awaken yourself.


You are very welcome to develop your potential!


Now I wish you a wonderful Easter time. Prepare yourself for an awakening from the heart and use the power of naturalness to bring your body, soul and spirit into harmony! 


All the love 





The next dates at a glance

Healthy soul power - Transformation evenings

Ahrensburg, Pentaion:

The next transformation evening in the unique Seminardom will take place on Friday, Friday 21. April takes place. 

Tickets for the transformation evenings can be here can be booked.


Spiritual Essence - Further training

We have currently scheduled the start of the next development phase for August. If you register, Easter offers will tumble into your Easter nest.

Get in touch here for information about the planning and to secure your place. 

Next start: August 2023 


Spiritual Essence is a precisely developed, truthful and self-healing way of looking at life and bringing it into divine order - the perfect accompaniment for people who want to look into their innermost being. What this looks like for each participant is completely individual. It extends into healing work, animal communication or working with your desired being from the spiritual world, if there is an interest in this. This is why this work is carried out in small groups and in individual work - everyone is picked up where they need reorientation and development. 





Go to a place where you feel safe and comfortable.

Take a chair, the couch, the bed, a meditation cushion or a soft surface and perhaps light a candle.

The important thing is that it feels good, that you can relax and come to the Ruhr.

Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes.

If you don't manage to close your eyes straight away, the candle will remind you of your innermost light. Gently try to calm down again and again.

Breathe in deeply, calmly and consciously through your nose a few times at your own pace. Enjoy how your breath flows through your whole body and breathe out again through your slightly open mouth.

Come into your body and relax.

After a few conscious breaths, continue breathing as usual without consciously influencing the breath.

Now direct your attention to your true presence and feel connected to the original source or your heart.

Enter into basic trust. Here you are safe and secure. Right now, in this moment, you are all to yourself.

You will notice that your mental mind becomes more and more calm.

If you have difficulties with the first few attempts, be patient and give yourself the chance to develop the meditation by repeating it several times.
I will guide you into silent mediation. It's about your own personal calm and lightness. 
Enjoy recharging your batteries and stop the inner and outer dialog for a while. All wishes, hopes and fears can be put aside for a moment in order to achieve deep relaxation and inner peace.

Just be.

Once you have reached the end of your desired meditation time, gently return your attention to your physical body. Stretch and straighten yourself.

Open your eyes carefully.

Feel how your body feels from your feet to your head, caress it, gently pat it awake and thank it for carrying you through life.

Get back into your body and take the new life energy with you into your everyday life the next day.

Take care and all the best


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Julia Mozar
In the Allmende Health Center - Bornkampsweg 36 - 22926 Ahrensburg
Julia Mozar