Julia Mozar

Newsletter | 14

Hello lovelies,

some of you have a reminder of the transformation evening. In future, there will be a second short newsletter as a reminder a few days before the event. So tomorrow evening it's that time again. At 7:30 pm the door of the Pentaion in Ahrensburg near Hamburg opens for a relaxed arrival. At 20:00 we start with the main part of the evening.

I always look forward to this special evening. 

You are welcome to secure a place via my website. Then we can concentrate fully on being together. If it doesn't work out, simply register by email and pay on site. 


What can you expect on this evening?

The opening of the spiritual world and encounters with the heart await you.

In general, meditation and transformation allow you to draw strength, find clarity, sort out your feelings, clear your subconscious, cleanse foreign energies, receive new impulses and radiate the love within you to the outside world. Anyone could actually do this at home. Sometimes it is good to be sociable, to get into conversation in personal encounters and, with the help of of a spiritual medium to enrich your life even more with heavenly impulses. This is what this evening is for once a month.  

What is special about this evening is the additional healing energy flow that is given to us by the spiritual world. Some use this evening to activate self-healing. Others simply enjoy recharging their batteries in this wonderful atmosphere. Some need a new impulse for the future to reorganize themselves. Many things that have not yet been thought of are possible on this evening.

All transformation evenings are based on a suitable theme at the time, on which I provide new medial thought impulses before the joint meditation. Personal impulses that I receive during the silent mediation round off the evening with a personal conversation and your personal messages.

I also lovingly accompany the silent meditation with a cleansing energy flow. This makes it possible for blockages or vibrational energies that you have unconsciously absorbed through everyday life to be released and transformed, allowing you to feel freer.

Do you have something on your mind that can be resolved and transformed in meditation? Before the contribution and the meditation, there will be an opportunity for a brief exchange. Please contact me. 

I wish you much joy, loving encounters and forward-looking impulses.

All the love 





The next dates at a glance

Healthy soul power - Transformation evenings

Ahrensburg, Pentaion:

Transformation Evening in the unique Seminardom will take place tomorrow, Friday, Friday 21. April at 19:30 takes place. 

Make sure you here yours Place.

Ahrensburg, Allende seminar room:

The subsequent transformation evening will take place on Friday, Friday 2. June at 19:45 takes place. 

Make sure you here yours Place.


Spiritual Essence - Further training

We start on June 3rd and 4th with the next Spiritual Essence. 

Please contact me here if you want to grow spiritually with me. 

Next start: October 2023 

Spiritual Essence is a precisely developed, truthful and self-healing way of looking at life and bringing it into divine order - the perfect accompaniment for people who want to look into their innermost being. Experiencing self-love, self-healing in the being of divine power is always a miracle for me. What this looks like for each participant is completely individual. The spiritual world has many facets and yet everything is one.  

Afterwards you have the opportunity to integrate the healing work or animal communication into your everyday life. This is why this work is carried out in small groups and in individual work - everyone is picked up where they need reorientation and development. 





All dates at a glance
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Julia Mozar
In the Allmende Health Center - Bornkampsweg 36 - 22926 Ahrensburg
Julia Mozar