Julia Mozar

Newsletter | 16

Hello lovelies, 


What a beautiful May lies behind us and June is showing its full splendor with wonderful long evenings. Nature is in full bloom. Everything is green, thriving and growing. If we are awake and mindful as we walk through nature, we can observe many animals with their young. It's a wonderful time to enjoy the sun outdoors again, to recharge your batteries and to enjoy all the beautiful things in life throughout the summer. 


Light and colors are of great importance for all beings. They have an effect everywhere and at all times in everyday life. They have a conscious or unconscious influence on our bodies, awaken feelings and improve our well-being.

They also have a relaxing effect on our animal friends. The lush greenery not only contributes to a juicy energy boost in the heart center. It reminds us of the connection to the elemental force of nature that is anchored in us and strengthens our individual well-being. Pets that are kept as naturally as possible benefit from the energy of the color spectrum and the plant energies of nature, especially during the recovery process. Animals communicate with their environment just as plants communicate with each other. For me, it feels like a cogwheel interacting with other cogwheels. If a person has a sensitivity for it or directs their focus and perception to this life energy, they can feel how helpful the mode of action is and how everything is interwoven. 

Each color has a very specific wavelength and thus radiates a different kind of life energy that gently weaves its way into our aura and is distributed through the many chakras into the meridians and then into our physical body. Nature, with its many gifts, has an incredibly wide spectrum of helpful aspects for us. 

I like to connect with the colors in spiritual healing. They are sent to the client who needs them for their healing. This is by no means decided by the mind with its learned, but by the high self in cooperation with the spiritual world, the All-Love and the Primordial Source.

The findings on the mechanisms of action of individual colors on the body, mind and soul have been used in alternative medical color therapy. It uses the energy of colors to treat specific ailments. Red light for earache is probably the best known.

Everyone has their personal favorite color(s), which is often reflected in their clothing, everyday objects and the design and furnishings of their home. 

Signal colors are used in car traffic and serve as orientation or as a color guidance system. In advertising, colors are used specifically to attract attention and stimulate our buying behavior or to manipulate it. 

Personally, I will be moving my work more into nature again.

The "Spiritual Essence" training course starts this weekend. We will enjoy meditations, talks and breaks outside in the afternoon. "Thou shalt not kill" is actually written in the Bible and so I will show how we can use nature to help us in the recovery process without cutting down plants and cutting down trees. 

When working with animals and the associated change in consciousness, working outdoors is always a very enriching experience. Peace and the reawakening of inner vitality are supported by the atmosphere of nature alone. 

I love being out in nature and if you would like to work with me, with your animal or with my animals, I would be delighted to accompany you on a part of your journey - in the summer, weather permitting, outdoors again.

All the love 



May everything come to you that is meaningful and full of light for you and others.


I wish you all the best for May and look forward to talking to you




The next dates at a glance

Healthy soul power - Transformation evenings

Ahrensburg, Allmende seminar room:

The next transformation evening will take place on Friday, Friday August 4 at 19:45 takes place. 

Make sure you here  your place or register by e-mail. 


The subsequent transformation evening will take place on Friday, Friday Sept. 29 at 19:45 in the Allmende seminar room. 

Make sure you here yours Place or register by e-mail.


Spiritual Essence - Further training 

Please contact me here if you want to grow spiritually with me. 

Next start: October 21/22, 2023 

Spiritual Essence is a precisely developed, truthful and self-healing way of looking at life and bringing it into divine order - the perfect accompaniment for people who want to look into their innermost being. Experiencing self-love, self-healing in the being of divine power is always a miracle for me. What this looks like for each participant is completely individual. The spiritual world has many facets and yet everything is one.  

Afterwards you have the opportunity to integrate the healing work or animal communication into your everyday life. This is why this work is carried out in small groups and in individual work - everyone is picked up where they need reorientation and development. 





All dates at a glance
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Julia Mozar
In the Allmende Health Center - Bornkampsweg 36 - 22926 Ahrensburg
Julia Mozar