Julia Mozar

Newsletter | 26

Hello lovelies, 


morgen - Donnerstag - ist ein schöner kräftiger energiereicher Tag, der so einiges für uns bereit hält und der kürzeste Tag des Jahres.


Für all jene, die nicht bei dem Winterspezial dabei sein können, oder auch jene, die Zusätzlich noch Heilenergien und neue Impulse für gesunde Gedanken zur Wintersonnenwende genießen wollen, habe ich spontan einen herrlichen Donnerstag Abend geplant.


Wenn du also noch am Donnertag bei Zoom Meeting dabei sein möchtest oder doch noch das Winterspezial nutzen möchtest, schreib mir by mail 


Kosten:  Gesprächsabend & Heilmeditation 50€

Kosten: Winterspezial vom 22.12.bis 06.01.24 280€


Ich freue mich, wenn du dabei bist.


May everything come to you and your family that is meaningful and full of light for you, me and others.



Auf bald,






The next dates at a glance

Winter special Raunächte

From the December 22, 2023 to January 06, 2024 I accompany you in the transition of the year

Make sure you here yours Place or get in touch by mail on


Healthy soul power - Transformation evenings 

The next transformation evening will take place online on Friday, Friday January 12 at 20:00 in the Zoommeeting. 

Make sure you  here yours Place or get in touch by mail to.


Spiritual Essence - Further training 

Please contact me here if you want to grow spiritually with me. 

Next start: March 2024 

Spiritual Essence It is about your power of escape, your personal spirituality, your spiritual abilities and perceptions. It's a very well-developed, truthful and self-healing way of looking at life and bringing it into divine order - the perfect accompaniment for people who want to look into their innermost being. Experiencing self-love, self-healing in the being of divine power is always a miracle for me. What this looks like for each participant is completely individual. The spiritual world has many facets and yet everything is one.  


Afterwards you have the opportunity to deepen the healing work or animal communication and to integrate it professionally into your everyday life. This is why this work is carried out in small groups and in individual work - everyone is picked up where they need reorientation and development. 





All dates at a glance
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Julia Mozar
In the Allmende Health Center - Bornkampsweg 36 - 22926 Ahrensburg
Julia Mozar