Julia Mozar

Newsletter | 27

Hello friends of the healing arts, 

I am so pleased that from December 21, the days will be longer and the nights shorter again. Winter solstice.

From December 22, the days get longer again and the darkness at night gets shorter. Winter solstice. 

It's slowly getting quieter for me too. I can say goodbye to this year. It was terrific! I am very grateful in many ways. I went full throttle for you again in December. This December was somehow special in its energy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your trust!

There will be more portal days on December 23/28/31. 

There is already beautiful energy in the air because of the Raunächte, Christmas and the annual transitions. 

On the portal days, the earth vibrations are even higher. We may feel the connection to the spiritual world more. If you have boosted your life energy transformation process, these energies will now serve you all the more. The loving beings from the spiritual world can come into contact with us more easily. Old thought patterns can show themselves, which we are allowed to consciously recognize in a conscious healing or development process.

There will be enough time to make some changes in your life. Come to rest, you have earned it! Enjoy the time with yourself and your surroundings.

Tonight, Thursday 7:30 pm, I will give you another opportunity via Zoom to look at and organize the topics you could work on in a wonderfully energetic evening. I will give you questions that may help you to create meaningful thoughts during the Rauhnächte, which you can then gradually integrate into your life. We talk about forgiveness. We fill up on love and clearing energies can also cleanse you. Afterwards you will receive a PDF that you can work with and that can also accompany you outside of the Raunächte. If you would still like to take part, please get in touch by mail an. Costs 50€

The Raunächte

The Raunächte begin on December 24-25 and end on the last night of January 5-6. January 5th is also a portal day. 

As always, my recommendation for you at this time is to take time for yourself and your higher self. Enter into heart-to-heart communication with yourself in connection with the primal source of all-one-ness. 

Until the night of January 5 to January 6, you will find enough time to go into the transformation/change process for big and small issues and, if it is a big issue, to start or complete it. 

A nice ritual to let go of old thought energies and to mentally align and shape your life in a mindful, loving and light-filled way for the coming time could look like this: 

Give yourself a little Christmas present in advance. Take some time to clear your mind now and meditate at dusk. Make it cozy with a small fire, beautiful music, a candle, gemstones, a cuddly blanket, etc. 

Sort out your actions, your feelings and your thoughts. Become aware once again of what you have created for yourself in 2023. Feel free to write it down.

Also become aware of the external influences that have hindered or supported you. Perhaps one or two destructive things have also led to a positive turnaround in your life. 

You are invited to gather insights and realign yourself in order to consciously set new impulses for the coming year. See whether the path you are currently on is still right for you.

Are there things you would change?

What is your family life like?

Do you enjoy your job? 

Write down destructive thoughts or anything you want to leave behind from 2023. 

This also includes old feelings, arguments or blockages, which can gradually be transformed into love and forgiveness. Take a small piece of paper for each destructive topic. This will be burned in a fire at Christmas and/or New Year's Eve.

At the same time, write the life energy you wish for yourself on a second piece of paper. You can place this in a healing circle or under your pillow.

You can create a healing circle, for example, from gemstones that you place in a circle or you can take other beautiful things and form a circle. Everything that can be healed can go in there. You can either write it and put it inside or you can put a photo in the healing circle.

Example slip 1:
I ......... release myself from the energy of contention with...........

I ......... release myself from the emotional energy .......... 

On slip of paper 2, write the life energy that is needed to heal or develop something, e.g. love, life force, forgiveness, grace, healing, love, will to live, health, wisdom, etc. You can also write down your heart's desires that may unfold in 2024. 

Transformation happens through light & love from the primal source of all-one-ness. Life energy attracts life energy. 

It makes sense to light a fire on December 24th or New Year's Eve, which can be a symbol of our innermost glow, of the primal source within us. Now put the destructive piece of paper into the fire for transformation. Forgiveness can now be kindled within us in the fire. 

A transformation process. A transformation process. 


Words of redemption for the Raunächte

If you don't know your own redemptive words, you are welcome to use them for yourself: 

Take a few deep breaths and breathe out deeply until you feel relaxed. 

"I ......(name)...................... now ask for redemption and transformation/change of these old unlit energies on all levels and all times of being that are written down on these pieces of paper.
May the highest light, love and the primal source purify me, accompany me on my path full of light, let me recognize myself lovingly. Please guide me to the highest divine good and the best solution." 

Then meditate for a while in the conscious connection to the primal source of all-one-ness.
Perhaps you feel a soothing flow of energy, see a light or simply feel the silence. Perhaps an angel will appear before your inner eye. 

If you get a feeling to end the mediation, then thank yourself for all the vitality, joy and love that you have received! 

Thank you to all your light-filled companions and helpers from the highest light. 

You can also use this ritual at any time if necessary. 


Another Raunacht ritual

They are an old custom. 

Every Raunacht is there to receive impulses and create clarity for the coming year. 

Before you go to sleep in the Raunächte or at dusk, I recommend a meditation. 

Maybe you prepare a nice place to meditate for these days.
Lay down a small doily, place a candle and perhaps an angel or gemstones, and have a piece of paper and pen ready. 

Perhaps you would like to fumigate your aura with sage before each Raunacht. This clears the energies of the day. This makes it a little easier to get into meditation. 

If you need a little help with mediation, these things might help you to move into a higher vibration: 

One candle



White sage as an incense 

Ask your higher self and your spiritual team for divine guidance, direction and protection.
Invite the light-filled spiritual world to support you for this Raunacht and send the ideal, clear and pure messages that will help you to develop and serve you. 

Ask them to remember you the next morning and then write them down straight away. Put a piece of paper and pen next to your bed for new impulses, hints or symbols. 

They are by no means prophecies.
Place the slips of paper with the constructive affirmations under your pillow at night. 

This is my own personal path. There is a lot to read about the Raunächte on the internet or in books. Each day represents a month in the coming year. 

I wish you much joy with everything I have been able to give you this year.

You can see more dates below. A highlight next year will once again be the Spiritual Essence - Further training be. It starts in March and I can hardly wait. There will also be talks, healing meditations and much more. I look forward to accompanying you again.

From the bottom of my heart, all the love for you and everything you do in the here & now and in the future. 

May everything come to you and your family that is meaningful and full of light for you, me and others. May peace continue to reign on earth. 

I wish you a wonderful time in the Raunächten, a Merry Christmas and a good start to the New Year in 2024.

All the best and thanks for all the wonderful things I was able to experience with you






The next dates at a glance

Winter special Raunächte

From the December 22, 2023 to January 06, 2024 I accompany you in the transition of the year

Make sure you here yours Place or get in touch by mail on


Healthy soul power - Transformation evenings 

The next transformation evening will take place online on Friday, Friday January 12 at 20:00 in the Zoommeeting. 

Make sure you  here yours Place or get in touch by mail to.


Spiritual Essence - Further training 

Please contact me here if you want to grow spiritually with me. 

Next start: March 2024 

Spiritual Essence It is about your power of escape, your personal spirituality, your spiritual abilities and perceptions. It's a very well-developed, truthful and self-healing way of looking at life and bringing it into divine order - the perfect accompaniment for people who want to look into their innermost being. Experiencing self-love, self-healing in the being of divine power is always a miracle for me. What this looks like for each participant is completely individual. The spiritual world has many facets and yet everything is one.  


Afterwards you have the opportunity to deepen the healing work or animal communication and to integrate it professionally into your everyday life. This is why this work is carried out in small groups and in individual work - everyone is picked up where they need reorientation and development. 





All dates at a glance
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Julia Mozar
In the Allmende Health Center - Bornkampsweg 36 - 22926 Ahrensburg
Julia Mozar