Julia Mozar

Newsletter | 29

Hello lovelies, 

Very warm New Year's greetings to you! May your heart be wide open. May love and light smooth your path through life and may everything come to you that helps you here in life as a soul being to achieve the goals you wish for. 

Being in touch with your heart is what I wish for you from the bottom of my heart. Lovingly connecting with yourself, being clear, being undistracted by external circumstances and following your higher consciousness will carry you and me through this year.

It is relatively normal for us to go through difficult times from time to time. The question then is how we deal with the things that make us feel uncomfortable. It depends on what it takes to go through life with ease again. What would love say to you if something was on your mind? How can it be easy? 

There are many ways to ask questions in order to regain a sense of lightness. True to the motto "If you ask, you get answers", we can open our ears and see what life shows us. 

We are aware that there are causes for every problem that need to be developed, clarified and changed. Sometimes help is needed.

Effectiveness is the measure of truth. No matter what methods we use for change, no matter how strange they may seem from the outside, if the heart makes its way and something changes the way we want it to, then the method works. We find out how good what we are using is based on its effectiveness. 

So right at the beginning of the year, I would like to remind you of your inner strength. Everything we need lies within us. All the strength, all the ability, all the wealth of ideas. Real change can only come from within us. We can achieve many things, and everything we need for this can be found within us through the door of the heart. 

So be especially loving to yourself and those around you this year. Give yourself and life light and love for lightness in 2024.

Already on January 12 at 20:00 in the Zoom meeting I start with a wonderful healing meditation for love and lightness with messages that may sweeten your life. Make sure you here yours Place or get in touch by mail to. 

Most people know that personal work is always very important to me. That's why March 22/23, 24 Spirituality Essence - further training. This training lasts for many months to help you find your way into your innermost heart, integrate spirituality into your life and create a stable connection with your highest being. As a participant in this training course, you will have the opportunity to continue working with me afterwards. There are always advanced trainings, joint mediations that are only for the participants, as they provide great knowledge about who have experienced spirituality and are masters of their own lives. Learning spiritual healing and possibly applying it professionally are also topics that will help you progress in life. My extensive knowledge will help you to find your way in spirituality. 

You will be hearing from me more often this year via the newsletter. This is because I will be guided by my higher self and will also be more active online. This will give you the opportunity to develop with me in spirituality with a high & heartfelt consciousness. 


I look forward to wonderful encounters with magical enrichments that are given from the highest source of our being. 

Here's to soon and an easy 2024.





The next dates at a glance

Healthy soul power - Transformation evenings 

The next transformation evening will take place online on Friday, Friday January 12 at 20:00 in the Zoommeeting. 

Make sure you  here yours Place or get in touch by mail to.


Spiritual Essence - Further training 

Please contact me here if you want to grow spiritually with me. 

Next start: March 2024 

Spiritual Essence It is about your power of escape, your personal spirituality, your spiritual abilities and perceptions. It's a very well-developed, truthful and self-healing way of looking at life and bringing it into divine order - the perfect accompaniment for people who want to look into their innermost being. Experiencing self-love, self-healing in the being of divine power is always a miracle for me. What this looks like for each participant is completely individual. The spiritual world has many facets and yet everything is one.  


Afterwards you have the opportunity to deepen the healing work or animal communication and to integrate it professionally into your everyday life. This is why this work is carried out in small groups and in individual work - everyone is picked up where they need reorientation and development. 





All dates at a glance
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Julia Mozar
In the Allmende Health Center - Bornkampsweg 36 - 22926 Ahrensburg
Julia Mozar