Spiritual coaching & healing work

Just be.

Nadine Julia Mozar

As a medium in connection with spiritual healing, I accompany you. A higher consciousness activates self-healing, makes you happy, leads you into your power and finds solutions.

The next events

Photo: weedezign on Shutterstock


Healthy soul power - impulse evening, meditation transformation - live & online

At Allmende Gesundheitszentrum, Bornkampsweg 36, 22926 Ahrensburg near Hamburg or online at Zoom Meeting.

End approx.
Allmende Health Center
Impulse evening
Impulse evening Meditation Transformation - Nadine Julia Mozar

Animal communication workshop - live in the north of Hamburg

Animal communication: strengthening the connection between humans and animals. Register now and experience how animal communication can enrich your life!

End approx.
Mustiner Reit u. Fahrverein am Heidberg e.V., Zum Heidberg, 23911 Mustin
Workshop Animal Communication - Nadine Julia Mozar

How I work

Offers for you - Julia Mozar
Photo: Ronny Barthel

Love & spirituality are given to everyone.

Activate self-healing

Die gemeinsame Arbeit und die Aktivierung der Selbstheilungskraft ist wie eine kleine gemeinsame Zeitreise. Durch ein achtsames, zielorientiertes und herzliches Coaching, Meditation, Transformationsarbeit und einen natürlichen Energiefluss – alles in einem geschützten Rahmen – erschaffen wir zusammen Neues: neue Inspirationen, neue Perspektiven und neue Lebenskraft.

Dabei führen meine erweiterten sinnlichen Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten zu Wesensanteilen, zu denen Menschen häufig den Zugang verloren haben. Achtsamkeit, Reinheit und Klarheit regen dazu an, die Lebensenergie zu wecken. Selbstliebe und eine konstruktive gedankliche Ausrichtung auf das Leben lassen uns unsere Persönlichkeit entfalten, helfen uns bei der Umsetzung unserer Wünsche und Ziele, unterstützen die Zellregenerierung im Körper und schenken uns Frieden.

Portrait of Julia Mozar at the meeting
Photo: Ronny Barthel

Spiritual healing

Energy work - Julia Mozar
Photo: Ronny Barthel

The human body, mind and soul contain wonderful abilities for self-regeneration and healing.

It is a great gift to combine higher consciousness and spiritual healing. Through my training and experience, I was able to get to know both. I see it as my task to extend a hand to people and animals to accompany them on their journey in challenging times. 

Here are a few examples of possible applications of spiritual healing work:

  • Activation of self-healing powers
  • Recharge your batteries with vital energy
  • Balancing the aura and chakras
  • Energetic cleansing for well-being and resilience
  • Straightening & treatment for complaints of the back and musculoskeletal system
  • Vitalizing treatment after Corona 
  • Treatment of many different physical complaints and pains
  • Stimulation of the body to eliminate heavy metals and chemical substances
  • Treatment for allergies
  • Energetic support for a change in consciousness
  • Release of mental and energetic blockages
  • Transformation of stressful feelings
  • Treatment of traumatic experiences
  • Dissolution of external energies
  • Residential or lecture room disorder

„Liebe heilt alle Wunden“ – ich reiche aus tiefstem Herzen Wissen, meine spirituellen Fähigkeiten sowie Zeit und zeige einen Weg auf, damit Mensch und Tier Möglichkeiten der Genesung finden, um den inneren Frieden und das Wohlgefühl in sich selbst zurück erobern zu können. Workshops, Seminare und Ausbildungen helfen dir dabei dein Leben eigenständig in die Hand zunehmen oder anderen zu helfen.

Growing spiritually - distance healing

Anything is possible with energetic work! Because energy is universal and comes from the heart - with the help of the spiritual world. That is why it is possible to activate the self-healing power even without physical proximity.

Just as in the personal encounter, I use my clairvoyant powers of perception to detect mental blockages and transform them with the help of consciousness. In this way, self-healing processes can be set in motion and recovery can happen from within. Recovery in a holistic sense.

Working together remotely begins with an exchange over the phone or Zoom meeting. At the beginning of the conversation, I will explain to you exactly how the work together will proceed. Relax and enjoy this spiritual experience.

Woman with pigeons - juliamozar.com
Photo: PopTika on Shutterstock

Votes for Nadine Julia

Nadine Julia Mozar is a clairvoyant spiritual medium. Through this extraordinary talent, she brings people into contact with - unconsciously or consciously - repressed soul parts and opens the way for peace, healing and successful communication in personal and professional situations. In her lectures, she shares her knowledge in easily understandable and touching language.

Petra Richard
(Business and management coach)

Ms. Mozar has, as she puts it, supported my self-healing powers, so that various complaints became a thing of the past after just a few sessions. Visits to her refresh me so much that I visit her regularly even when I don't have any complaints, as a kind of wellness program. She is my first port of call for new health problems. An absolute recommendation!

Holger S.

Ms. Mozar showed me the light that I could no longer see on the way to myself. I love working with her because EVERY session is an optimization. My children also benefit a lot from her, it takes the burden of everyday life off them and they are completely back to themselves. Anyone who wants to develop further, both mentally and emotionally, should give it a try. It is worth it!

Kerstin S., Lüneburg

In recent years, Ms. Mozar has been very helpful to us time and again, whether for a sudden loss of hearing, for "energy recharges" in times of "energy lulls" or for dealing with the past that was weighing on the soul without being aware of it. Ms. Mozar's perceptive abilities are impressive, and her visits are extremely effective!

Karin M., Hamburg

I have known Mrs. Mozar as a "fairy godmother" for a long time. Both my horses and I personally were able to experience the stimulation of self-healing through energy, empathy and calm. She said that I too could pass on peace, trust and energy. And it's true: You can achieve a lot with feeling and love for the creature. The soul and the gift of perceiving it are miracle cures. Thank you very much!

Beate G., Bargteheide

Whether cat, dog or human, everyone in our household has already benefited from Nadine Julia Mozart's loving support of self-healing powers - with wonderful results. And thanks to the four intensive Spiritual Essence weekends, I am rediscovering more and more of my intuition. What a great feeling! Thank you, Julia, for accompanying me on this journey.

Julia J., Ammersbek

Julia's sensitive, empathic charisma with her wonderful healing work, which picked me up where I was at that moment, has brought color back into my life, the sadness has vanished and my perception has changed. Many, many thanks, dear Julia!

Elisabeth J., Hamburg

Julia has a way of making me feel calm and safe. I was able to reveal a lot more about myself. Julia immediately established a connection to my inner self. The conversation brought me so many insights, but there was more. I felt refreshed, clear, as if everything was now full of light. It is an enchanting, fantastic and unique experience to work with Julia. I am incredibly grateful.

Kathi J., Hamburg

Dear Ms. Mozar, I know that I owe my speedy recovery in large part to you, and I am happy that I was able to get to know you and your beneficial work. Thank you again very, very much for your help!

Martha N., Ahrensburg

New in the blog

Crying Woman - Discomfort, Thought Junk - Spiritual Essence
Photo: goffkein.pro on Shutterstock
Distance healing - juliamozar.com
Photo: PopTika on Shutterstock
Business man carries elephant over a rope - What is resilience? - Julia Mozar
Photo: eelnosiva on Shutterstock
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