Recognize your spirituality

Spirituality for beginners

Photo: weedezign on Shutterstock

Aha-experiences on several levels

Inventiveness, creativity, meditation, stillness, relaxation, joy, vitality, warmth - all this comes from the innermost part of your soul. I invite you to open the door to your innermost being.

Mind, soul and body - how do they interact?

What energetic structures are there in the human body?

What effect do your thoughts and emotions have?

What is spiritual intelligence?

How do animal communication and mediumship work?

What energetic structures do animals have?

The experience day is all about feeling and sensing, i.e. practical exercises to increase our sensitivity and ability to perceive. It provides insights into spirituality on many levels. We support each other in a loving and appreciative way.

Together we try out different types of meditation, allow relaxation and transform. We need inner peace for medial perception. In addition to the exercises and meditation, you will receive knowledge and insights from me that can accompany you in life. Also in the form of a handout.

I would be delighted if you were there! If you have any questions, write to me.

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