Animal communication workshop - live in the north of Hamburg


Animal communication: strengthening the connection between humans and animals. Register now and experience how animal communication can enrich your life!

Sunday September 29, 2024
End approx.
Mustiner Reit u. Fahrverein am Heidberg e.V., Zum Heidberg, 23911 Mustin

18 places left


Raising awareness and learning animal communication

Mustiner Reit u. Fahrverein am Heidberg e.V., Zum Heidberg, 23911 Mustin (Link to Google Maps)

Animal communication

Animal communication is a profound encounter between the human soul and the animal soul. It enables you to develop a higher awareness of each other and make your everyday life more harmonious. In our unique animal communication workshop, you can expect an inspiring experience that will strengthen your friendship with serenity and trust. Together you will learn how to shape your life in harmony with your animal companions. Discover the transformative power of animal communication and deepen your connection with your pet!

Entry into the world of animal communication

This Workshop invites you to discover the Entry into the world of animal communicationThe course also offers people who have already attended the beginners' course the opportunity to continue practicing animal communication. People who have already attended a beginners' course also have the opportunity to continue practicing animal communication (TC) here. You are very welcome!

After this day, a WhatsApp group will be available for you to ask questions and there will be another opportunity to practise.

Humans and animals are able to communicate telepathically with an inner voice. Every person has their own language with their animal friend. There are many ways to communicate. Riding, just like leading a dog, is mostly based on body language, signals and their implementation. An additional clear, calm mental focus, mental strength and a good feel for you and your horse underpin your friendly interaction. But how does it all work together?

Animals respond wonderfully to telepathic communication because - unlike humans - they have no doubting mind. It is both a day for you to get to know yourself differently and to build a deeper, more intimate heart connection with your animal. Whether horse, dog, cat or rabbit - we could lend our voice to any animal to build more understanding, closeness, serenity, freedom and trust from heart to heart and to explain the connections to you and make them understandable. It can therefore strengthen your friendship and be a good help for you and the animal to grow together or to detect conflicts between you or to solve mental and physical problems of the animal.

We will also look at energetic healing. The combination of animal communication and healing work is very popular. So that you know how the body, mind and soul of humans and animals harmonize, this topic will also be covered in exercises. As veterinary costs continue to rise, animal communication can help with decision-making and energetic healing can also activate self-healing.

I look forward to seeing you and your pet - which will please stay at home - on this taster course!


  • 10:30 am: Meeting in the riding room of the Mustiner Reit- und Fahrverein am Heidberg e.V.; we get to know each other and set up together for the day.
  • 11:00 am: Start of the workshop with the theoretical part and first exercises on animal communication.
  • 13:00: Lunch break (Please take care of yourself and bring drinks for the day. The association will be happy to receive a snack for the lunch buffet).
  • 14:00: We make our way to the active stable Gut Mechow, which is about 15 minutes away.
  • 14:30: A short recap of the morning and then we communicate with the animals on site at the Mechow estate in a variety of ways.
  • End approx. 17:30 / 18:00

Content of the exercise day:

  • A close look at animal communication and how it works.
  • Mental training in preparation for the TC.
  • Sensing energetic structures in humans and horses.
  • Practice of animal communication.
  • You will receive a script to take home.