What is spirituality for you?
Photo: Zac Durant on Unsplash

What is spirituality for you?

Nadine Julia Mozar
2 min.

Spirituality is a true, natural gift that we can now remember. Here I write from my point of view and am happy to share my thoughts with you.

Feel and see if these thoughts are in harmony with you. I would be happy to accompany you on your path to unfolding or further developing this freedom.

 The word spirituality alone is grandiose. Let's break it down. The interpretation comes from the Duden dictionary.

Spirit - the spirit    
(d)ual - form a duality, two possibilities   
i - Impulse   
activity - a secondary form of tun

The spirit that forms a duality, that turns impulse into action? 

For me, spirituality is an individual dialog with the superconscious, with the spiritual world such as guardian angels, light-filled spirit guides, the higher self, the subconscious or other beings from the light.

 Subtle energies light up our physical body. 

Do you pay attention to your impulses? Where do your thoughts come from? 

Everyone has their own personal way of communicating. Spirituality is given to everyone.

Depending on the awareness of the connection, the innermost knowledge, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairsmell, creativity and the attentiveness of the new thought impulses and the very personal individual experiences give us a feeling of love, lightness and freedom.

Spirituality promotes joy for life and strengthens the innermost truth, self-confidence and awareness. Problematic thinking is reduced and the possibility for new solution-oriented impulses is given.

With caring words, powerful implementation and self-care, we animate the world for ourselves and for others.

When the mind is at the service of the heart, wisdom and insight emerge. 

I will accompany you from the bottom of my heart on a part of your path to develop your own personal way of spirituality through the spirit.

The love in me greets the love in you

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